All hats are individually printed with custom Name and the Broadstone Barracuda stylized logo.
To guarantee a hat please Pre order by Friday May 31, 2024. After that point, if I have additional stock i will continue to sell until I am out of those hat...then the item will be marked "sold out"
After ordering please e mail Heidi to let her know the name to go on the hat. Heidileagarner@hotmail.com
The hats will say "Cuda, (Name),
Crown Height - Youth
Low Profile: 7.75 cm - 8.25 cm / 3.1" - 3.2"
Standard Mid Profile: 8.25 cm/ 3.2"
Foam Front High Crown: 9 cm / 3.5"
100% Polyester Front 100% Polyester Mesh Back The Traditional Look 5-panel cap Seamless Foam Front Panel with Lining Matching Color Braid 6 Rows Stitching on Visor Matching Fabric Undervisor Matching Color Sweatband Plastic Adjustable Snap OSFM